There are only a few companies that even offer color repair services by dyeing carpet.
Many would prefer to cut a spot out or simply ignore a discolored area because of an inability to correct the situation.
However, cutting and trying to seam in a new piece of carpet from another area will generally be much more obvious than redyeing the area.
Carpet dyeing is less of a science and more of an art form.
Much time is required to develop the ability to properly distinguish minor color variations and match color discolorations.
Our company is iicrc certified in color repair.
We have also taken advanced courses to correct sun fading and fume fading.
We have successfully redyed literally hundreds of bleach spots.
A light spot or discolored spot on the carpet does not have to be permanent.
It does not have to be forever covered with a plant or rug.
And the entire room of carpet does not need to be replaced in order for it to become unnoticeable.
Dyeing can camouflage the spot to make it completely undetectable to visitors.
Light spots could have resulted from spilled bleach, acne medication, or even many cleaning products, such as oxyclean, which uses a type of bleach.
Color repair is also necessary when a foreign dye has been spilled onto the carpet, such as the yellow dye in mustard or the red dye in koolaid.
When is color repair necessary?
These spots are usually caused by spillage of food and beverages containing dye.
Why are there light spots in the carpet?
Light spots are areas where color has been removed for various reasons.
Household bleach is often the culprit but not always.
Urine and acne medication made from benzoyl peroxide also remove color.
Can you dye an entire room?
Carpet can only be dyed a shade darker of the same color.
Can you redye spots on oriental rugs?
Color loss on wool is very common because of its susceptibility to staining.
We can correct color loss on wool rugs or walltowall carpeting.
Do you guarantee that the spot will not come back?
The only exception to this is dyed sunfaded areas which will gradually lighten as long as they are in direct sunlight.
Can you dye an entire room?
Carpet can only be dyed a shade darker of the same color.
It is also important to remember that carpet dye is like watercolor; any dark areas will only get darker.
Only clean, stainfree carpet can be dyed.
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